What does Do-Not-Call (USA) do?
Do-Not-Call (USA) helps you to stay compliant with USA Federal Do-Not-Call laws. We help you maintain your own internal DNC list, and help you avoid calling phone numbers which could cause Federal vio... |
What is the per-lookup charge for the Do-Not-Call (USA) service?
The per-lookup charge for the Do-Not-Call (USA) service is $0.002 (1/5 penny). |
Signing up for the Do-Not-Call (USA) service
In order to sign up for our Do-Not-Call service, you will need to open up an account with us and then go to https://telemarketing.donotcall.gov, the FTC's National Do-Not-Call Registry, and register w... |
Do-Not-Call (Canada) - Coming Soon!
Do-Not-Call (Canada) is currently under development, and has not been released yet. |
What are the Do-Not-Call statuses, and what do they mean?
The Do-Not-Call statuses are: OK-TO-DIAL - This means the phone number doesn't appear on the federal or your internal do-not-call lists. |
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